
School Taibah Take a Tour in Taibah School and you will find the best School in the state. School Taibah Take a Tour in Taibah School and you will find the best School in the state.


The course covers grammar, reading and writing practice as well as an insight into the culture of the region. 


this class builds on the reading, writing, speaking, and listing skills for students. Students will practice retelling stories, answering questions 


this course inspire students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers & learners use math as a tool to make sense of & understand


The Science curriculum is designed so that students have the opportunity to develop a background in more
than technology, and society share in our everyday world


This course will cover basic knowledge of Quran and all its Surah and Juz

Social Studies

The Social Studies suite utilizes a personal approach to introduce students to community and citizenship. By providing scaffolded instruction from Kindergarten

About Our School

Our Schools are a Beacon of Light and Our Children are the Shining Hope of the Future. Our mission is developing local societies and spreading knowledge.

Taibah School has a full schedule of lessons ranging from Quran recitation to Arabic language.

Our goal is to teach Muslim children what will enable them to be successful in this world and in the Hereafter.

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Phone : 2523131


Location : Taibah School


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